
KUPU HOU - Week 1 & 2

Kia ora whanau,

Each week I will be posting 5 kupu hou (well they are kupu hou to me) for you to learn.
Last weeks kupu hou were meant to be:

kai whakapitaitai - nibbles / nibbles
He kai whakapitaitai noa iho naku i te ata nei
I only had a nibble this morning

Ehara i te hakari, he kai whakapitaitai noa iho
It wasn't a feast, it was just a few nibbles

waaua - to be the subject of talk / to be discussed
I waaua ai te kaupapa Mano Matahi e ratau
They discussed the Mano Matahi project

He aha ko au anake ka waaua ai?
Why is it that everyone talks about me?

maniore - anxious, anxiety / nervous
Kaore te maniore i au
I wasn't anxious / nervous

Kaua e maniore atu, me tu maia ke
Don't be nervous, stand confidently

kauteatea - to come in intervals / intermittently
Kei te ua kauteatea mai
It's raining on and off

Kaua e haere kauteatea mai
Don't come every now and again

piiwawa - scattered
I te piiwawa kau nga taonga
The toys were scattered everywhere

Minemine mai mokopuna ma, kua tae te wa mo te piiwawa rare
Gather together children, its time for the lolly scramble

Naku noa, na

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