

Mano Matahi is the maori term meaning 1001.

It is a project, which has been a long time coming, that I have the privilege of co-ordinating amongst some of the more motivated kohanga reo kaimahi & whanau here in Ngati Kahungunu.

The whole project is based on that well known maori proverb or whakatauki:
Ko tau rourou, ko taku rourou - ka ora ai te iwi
With your food basket & my food basket - our people shall survive.
Now the essence of this proverb is the recognition that we all have something to contribute, we all have something that we can share, and when you combine all of these various talents, then something can be made from it which is greater than all of the individual parts.
That is what this blog spot is all about - Whakawhanaungatanga, Mahinga Tahi, & Whakawhiti Korero or as some of our tauiwi whanau would say, the three C's
  • Contribution; thats a fancy word for mahinga tahi
  • Collaboration; another fancy word for whanaungatanga AND
  • Communication, ara, whakawhiti korero

So, what do we hope to get out of MANO MATAHI ?

Well the general goal is that at the end of it all, we have this kohinga korero (shared database of information) or rauemi (resource) from which we can all benefit. And there should be at least 1001 different ideas in it - hence the title MANO MATAHI (1001)

Now this initial run should take 10 months, beginning - well now, and carrying on until May / June of next year. There are 10 taumata (milestones / achievement points) that I have set to cover that period, culminating in the final launch of our rauemi / kohinga korero.

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