

Kia ora whanau,

Well we had a small but awesome hui on Saturday at Whaakirangi TKR. Nga mihi ki a Whaea Colleen raua ko Matua Rangiteaorere. I horahia ai te korowai o te manaakitanga ki runga i a matou. Na whai ano te korero, koia kei a korua, e nga tohunga o te manaaki !

We discussed several things at the hui all of which I will be posting as the week progresses.

Our next hui will be held in Napier on the 13th & 14th September 2008.

For more information, keep yourselves posted.

1 comment:

Matua Peri Belmont said...

Kei aku nui, kei aku rahi, koutou ra o Te Kohanga Reo o Whaakirangi

Na koutou te hui tuatahi o tēnei kaupapa, arā, Te Mano Matahi.

Tena koutou mō ō koutou manaakitanga. Ahakoa he iti, he nui nga hua i puta.

Tena tātau katoa!!!